2021 = Change

2021 = CHANGE



Many of us have been shaken to our very core and had our hearts and relationships stirred by the things we have seen, heard, felt, and experienced in the last year and a half.

Politics, culture, health, society, education, business, religion, living and dying, and pretty much all other aspects of how we experience a human existence have been exploding or imploding. Often both. This leaves us feeling adrift, anxious about where to turn, what to do, and how to access even a basic sense of common ground and safety.

Our “new normal” is anything but normal, but it is here and requires adjustments on our part as Therapists, Healers, and Lightworkers to help meet the demands of so many who have been thrown off-kilter. This includes tackling issues for our clients, yes, but for ourselves, too. It is time to step up bigger and bolder.

Often when you think you're at the end of something,
you're at the beginning of something else.
—Fred Rogers

As a global community, we have all unplugged from many aspects of our lives. Now, as we peek out around the corners, it is essential to evaluate what pieces of life we want to plug back in. Some old thought processes and relationships no longer serve us. Some connections are best left demoted to a state of limbo, while on the flip side, we seize, focus, and enhance others that we didn’t previously realize were precious to us.

All of humanity is going through this process to some degree. How do we feel? What do we think about how we feel? Is there something better to reach for? Is there a better way to reach? What else is possible? Am I willing to allow for that? How do I work through the grief and pain of what needs to be let go? How do I create and build in this new place?

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

For myself, I needed therapy—quite a bit of it. I felt shattered as if nothing solid, reliable, kind, or honest remained. It was terrifying. I went deeper into my shadow material and found the things that had been casually rattling around like spare change. You know, those thoughts and beliefs that wait for the “someday” to arrive, so we will take time to take care of them. Yeah, those.

Sure, they poke and prick at me on occasion when things ran decently, but during the pandemic and the U.S. election, they got sharper and much more pointed. An explosion of emotional debris that refused to stay intact, my untended interior trash let me know it was time. NOW.

A gifted and talented therapist helped me sort through very subtle thinking errors and childhood bruises that had seemed like “normal stuff that we all go through” and, therefore, not critical enough to go after. But as we already understand now, 2020 was anything but normal. Cleaning up the tiny, gritty bits of life left me feeling thoroughly scoured and soul-scrubbed! A repeating theme of “what do I want to keep and was is essential to release” was emerging.


Several months later, I found my voice, sanity, boundaries, feet, and most of all, my Path.
I knew who I wanted to be when I grew up.



I added new healing modalities to my ever-growing eclectic list. Imagine my surprise to find out that Certified Hypnosis and Regression Therapy are the scientifically approved versions of what I have been doing for so many years under the titles of “energy work/healing/clearing” and “energy psychology!”
It was pretty amazing and thrillingly validating!


This reboot level deserved a beautiful rebrand and an updated website. I was blessed to work with business coach Allison Berardi to help me revamp and begin again (I LOVE my new logo!). I nearly broke my brain overhauling my website. Thankfully Allison referred me to Regan at SoftKind to polish up my efforts and make them flow smoothly and sparkle (I hope you like it!).

Another fantastic gift that came out of the shattered spaces of 2020 was finding a hypnosis teacher who is certified in the Life Between Lives training that I still want to add to my toolbox, AND had already adapted the work to an online format. Mark Johnson was just that teacher! Seasoned in online work, he taught me how to merge hypnosis with video meeting technology, allowing me to throw the door open wide for people to access healing and improve their lives. I had long been used to doing energy healing over the phone, online, texting, and even in old-time chat boxes on the fly in a video game.
But this, ooh, this is even better!

“Technology now allows people to connect anytime, anywhere, to anyone in the world, from almost any device. This is dramatically changing the way people work, facilitating 24/7 collaboration with colleagues who are dispersed across time zones, countries, and continents.”
—Michael Dell

Now I offer “Tech Support for the Soul”™ for my clients both in-person and online, helping them find the answers to all those questions mentioned above. For all of the chaos that has been thrust upon us, Elton John reminds us, “ooh, the change is gonna do me good.”

And so it is!
